Medium Red Cedar Bundle
Medium Red Cedar Bundle
£ 27 GBP
50 cedar blocks
18 cedar rings
5 cedar sachets
2 lavender sachets
Large Red Cedar Bundle
Large Red Cedar Bundle
£ 42 GBP
75 cedar blocks
28 cedar rings
9 cedar sachets
2 lavender sachets
Red Cedar Rings
Red Cedar Rings
£ 9.95 GBP
Red Cedar Blocks
Red Cedar Blocks
£ 9.95 GBP

7 Ways to Be A More Conscious Consumer

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7 Ways to Be A More Conscious Consumer

Becoming a more mindful consumer means making purchasing and lifestyle choices that align with your values around sustainability, ethics, quality over quantity, and reducing waste. Here are 7 impactful ways you can embrace conscious consumerism.

Red Cedar Blocks
Red Cedar Blocks
£ 9.95 GBP

Aromatic red cedarwood pieces that repel moths and other pests, protecting your clothing and linen from damage.

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Shop Local Produce

Choosing locally grown fruits, vegetables, eggs, meat and dairy shrinks your food's carbon footprint significantly by eliminating transport from distant mega farms.

Supporting community agriculture also invests back into the local economy and food security, protects regional green spaces, and preserves crop biodiversity that mega farms overlook.

Seek out weekly farmers markets, family farms, CSAs, and neighborhood grocers offering localized food. Getting acquainted with producers and sustainable growing practices helps inform conscious choices as well.

Embrace Minimalism

Adopting a minimalist mindset focused on quality over quantity, multifunctional usefulness over specialized novelty, and sparking joy versus clutter helps realign possessive consumer tendencies into a liberating less-is-more lifestyle.

This means focusing purchases only on items you love, need, or strongly aspire towards instead of casually acquiring on impulse without a purpose. Assess what you already own that might suit the task before seeking additions.

Edit belongings selectively down to favorites with intent over holding onto mediocre items out of vague obligation. Free yourself from excess stuff crowding closets, life joy, and sustainable intentions.

green minimalist room

Avoid Buying Just Because It's on Offer

The addictive thrill of snagging deals drives unhealthy impulse shopping and overconsumption justified by the discounts and fear or missing out on fleeting opportunities.

But in truth, even dramatic price cuts on items you don't specifically need or love still waste money and contribute to problematic cycles of short-term ownership and premature disposal.

Train yourself to ask - if this wasn't X% off, would I actually want it and incorporate it into my lifestyle? If uncertain, leave it behind. Sales hype tempts conscious consumers into poor decisions.

Practice the 3 Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

The tenets of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle serve as a conscious consumer's mantra before all other measures.

Reduce means limiting unnecessary purchases overall - especially toxic plastics polluting oceans after one short use.

Reuse encourages creativity repurposing items already owned or sourcing pre-loved goods from secondhand sources before buying new whenever feasible.

And Recycling safely disposes of what cannot be reused to minimize landfill accumulations at the end of utility.

Together, this lifecycle hierarchy provides a framework guiding everyday choices to curb personal waste at the source instead of loosely offsetting harms already caused by rampant purchasing further down the supply chain.

Travel Sustainably

Tourism contributes over 10% of total global greenhouse emissions through expensive transport and intensive infrastructure supporting posh destinations.

But mindful minimalist packing, public transport utilization over private cars rented, respect for local cultures visited, and selecting eco-resorts intent on benefiting regional communities allows enriching cultural exchange with far lighter environmental impact.

Prioritizing one or two longer annual vacations also proves more meaningful than numerous short trips requiring excessive transport-related emissions each time.

woman holding tote bags

Stop Using Plastic Bags for Groceries

Global plastic bag usage tallies over 500 billion annually and leaves devastating ocean pollution in its wake. But reusable totes provide a convenient, stylish alternative available in spacious volume options to suit any shopping list size.

Durable canvas, hemp, recycled PET plastic bottles, even 100% upcycled coffee sacks transform into chic bag designs that pack flat for easy transport when empty.

Just leaving a couple tailored reusable sacks in each family vehicle eliminates forgetting them at home as an excuse not to bypass polluting plastic from grocery runs. It takes small effort for major collective impact.

Choose Your Food Wisely

Intensive meat production remains the single largest driver of deforestation from clearing land for livestock plus astronomical water consumption compared to plant agriculture.

Consider Meatless Monday observances as a starting point to gradually rebalance diets away from carbon-costly beef and pork towards more sustainable chicken and plant proteins like beans, lentils, and tofu.

Seeking dairy and eggs from pasture-raised animals local to your region further reduces supply chain emissions. And catch or farm-raised seafood minimizes mercury exposure from industrial harvesting common in widespread fish species.

Even modest dietary changes significantly lighten your eating's impact on the planet when multiplied by 7 billion fellow humans.

Large Red Cedar Bundle
75 cedar blocks
9 cedar sachets
28 cedar rings
2 lavender sachets
Large Red Cedar Bundle
£ 42 GBP

Aromatic red cedar wood blocks, rings and sachets that repels moths and other pests, protecting your clothing and linen from damage.

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Red Cedar Sachets
Red Cedar Sachets
£ 5.95 GBP

Aromatic red cedar sachets that repels moths and other pests, protecting your clothing and linen from damage.

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