Lavender Sachets

£ 5.95 GBP
Lavender sachets filled with aromatic lavender buds in a breathable cotton drawstring pouch. One sachet is enough to freshen a small wardrobe! Add some lavender sachets to your hangers and place a few in your shoe boxes, and all your belongings will be enveloped in a delightful lavender scent. The fragrance is exceptionally strong due to the breathable cotton pouch and the high-quality lavender buds!
What's in the bundle
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100% Renewable

Treat your fabrics like pharaohs used to do.

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All natural

It's just wood. But it has a superpower! No dangerous chemicals involved at any stage and we can re-grow it endlessly. That's pretty much 100% renewable.

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Pet friendly

You don't have to worry about your pets and little ones having to deal with nasty stuff if they get near wardrobes or drawers.

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Absorbs humidity

Red Cedar, as most untreated wood, will gradually absorb excess humidity in closed spaces. This means less odour and lower risk of mold getting around. How about that?

A little more about our Lavender Pouches

Lavender sachets are a powerful and effective way to protect your clothes, shoes, and other belongings from moths and other insects. These sachets are filled with finely dried lavender buds and placed inside a breathable cotton drawstring pouch that releases the natural oils and soothing aroma of lavender, providing a strong and long-lasting fragrance.

One of the advantages of using lavender sachets is their ease of use. Simply place one pouch in your wardrobe or closet, and the fragrance will spread throughout, protecting all of your clothes from moths and other insects. One sachet is enough to cover a small wardrobe, and you can easily add more sachets as needed for larger spaces.

towering red cedar blocks and rings

Your most common questions about red cedar, answered.

What are natural mothballs?
How do cedar wood mothballs work?
Are cedar wood mothballs safe to use?
How long do natural cedar mothballs last?
How do I use the blocks, rings and cedar pouches?
Can cedar wood mothballs be reused?

Here's what our customers
are saying

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Love these. Such a great natural item. The scent is gorgeous.
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Cedar Blocks
customer reviews cedar blocks
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Great scent and wonderful packaging. It's really nice to know that you're helping plant trees with your order!
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Cedar Rings
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Best price I was able to find, and these are really fragrant - love it.
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Cedar Chipping Sachets
customer reviews cedar pouch
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Great quality product, delivered quickly and as described. We have been using the items for a few weeks now and so far they seem to be effective at keeping the moths out of our wardrobes and drawers.
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Red Cedar Bundle
customer reviews cedar bundle